Specialist Tutoring for children aged 6-16
I deliver tutor sessions based on the recommendations in their diagnostic report and my initial assessment of needs (conducted during the 'Introduction session') to plan a specific learning programme.
These weekly learning sessions are different than regular 'additional teacher tuition'. As a specialist teacher, I have specific training and expertise in analysing and incorporating diagnostic findings and recommendations in a diagnostic report, to create a tailored learning programme. I liaise with schools to ensure their sessions support their current learning in class.
I believe in creating a nurturing learning environment where children can discover and develop their individual strengths and explore how they learn best, through support that is targeted, individualised, multi-sensory and engaging.
I offer sessions during the school day which have proved to be a great option for children who are home educated. I work closely with parents/carers who home educate to plan and implement a learning programme that can be reinforced at home during the week.
I offer sessions during the day within the educational setting. Some children prefer this, as they are tired at the end of a school day. I build a good rapport and work closely with parents/carers and schools to provide useful recommendations for support in class as well as at home.
I also offer tutor sessions in school for pupils who receive Pupil Premium. I am happy to talk to your child's SENCo / Inclusion Manager regarding this.
All after-school sessions take place on my premises in Maidenbower, Crawley.